Getting Started


pip install python-spectacles


The default project layout is like this:

|_ specs/ # put your yaml specs here
|_ reports/
     |_ screenshots # any screenshots you take will be saved here
     |_ specs # spec reports will be saved here

You can create that layout with the following commands:

mkdir specs
mkdir -p reports/screenshots
mkdir -p reports/specs

Let’s create a quick spec:

file: specs/im_feeling_lucky.yml

- scenario: I'm feeling lucky
  - goto: /
  - screenshot: {}
  - expect_elements :
    - "#lst-ib": "search input"
  - fill_fields:
    - q: "testing"
  - wait: 1
  - click: "[name='btnG']"
  - wait: 5
  - wait_for_element : "#rcnt"
  - screenshot:
          widths: [375, 768, 990, 1200, 1600]

Run your spec:


You should see a result something like the following:

##I'm feeling lucky

* Go to: /
* ✓ Check that search input exists
* enter django-spectacles into field:q
* ✓ Check that [name='btnG'] exists
* Click button:
* waiting for #rcnt to load
* ✓ Element has loaded: #rcnt
* Click the first link
* ✓ Check that h3.r a exists
* Click button: GitHub - toast38coza/django-spectacles: Write Integration tests in ...

Next Steps

Using includes

There are a lot of things that you might want to do repeatedly. It doesn’t make sense to have to rewrite these the whole time. That’s where the include command comes in.

Create a new folder inside specs:

Now you can create some sub-specs in “code:specs/includes. You can then include them from a top-level spec like so:

- scenario: Do some stuff
    - include: specs/includes/login.yml
    - include: specs/includes/do-something.yml
    - include: specs/includes/do-something-else.yml


by default spectacles will look for specs with the following glob specs/*.yml. Therefore the specs in includes won’t be run by the spec runner by default, but they can be included with the include directive


the include path is relative to the location from which spectacles is being run.